이화여자대학교 식품생명공학전공



[Papers] Cha, H.-J., H.-R. Lee, J. Lee, D.-K. Oh, and J.-B. Park. Chemoenzymatic cascade conversion of linoleic acid into a secondary fatty alcohol using a combination of a 13S-lipoxygenase, chemical reduction, and a photo-activated decarboxylase. ACS Sus. Chem. Eng., 9: 10837?10845 (2021.08.16)

  • 작성일 : 2021-08-31
  • 조회수 : 362
  • 작성자 : 식품공학과
[Papers] Cha, H.-J., H.-R. Lee, J. Lee, D.-K. Oh, and J.-B. Park. Chemoenzymatic cascade conversion of linoleic acid into a secondary fatty alcohol using a combination of a 13S-lipoxygenase, chemical reduction, and a photo-activated decarboxylase. ACS Sus. Chem. Eng., 9: 10837?10845 (2021.08.16)