이화여자대학교 식품생명공학전공



In-Ah Kim, Hye-Lim Kim, Ha-Yeon Cho, Hye-Seong Lee. 2015. Optimal difference test sequence and power for discriminating soups of varying sodium content: DTFM version of dual-reference duo–trio with unspecified tetrad tests.

  • 작성일 : 2016-01-12
  • 조회수 : 1438
  • 작성자 : 식품공학과

In-Ah Kim, Hye-Lim Kim, Ha-Yeon Cho, Hye-Seong Lee. 2015. Optimal difference test sequence and power for discriminating soups of varying sodium content: DTFM version of dual-reference duo–trio with unspecified tetrad tests.

Food Research International Vol 76, Part 3, October 2015, Pages 458–465